Jing Du
9.2022- Ph.D. in Regenerative Medicine, Institute of Zoology, University of Chinese academy of science, Beijing
05.2021-07.2022 RA in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
9.2016-6.2019 M.S. in Bioengineering, University of Chinese academy of science, Beijing
9.2012-6.2016 B.S. in Agriculture, Hebei Agricultural University, Cangzhou
Yajing Zhou
05.2022-07.2023 RA in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
2021.9 - 2022.9 MSc, Mental Health: Psychological Therapy, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary Univerisity of London
2020.9 - 2021.9 M.S. in Psychological Studies, School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen
Lizhi Guo
07.2022-07.2023 RA in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
09.2019-01.2022 M.S. in Applied Psychology, Tianjin University
09.2014-06.2018 B.S. in Material Forming and Control Engineering, Jilin University