Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, Biomarker, Neuroimaging

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory Alzheimer's Disease Research Team: Post-doctoral & Research Assistant Position Recruitment
Posted onFeb 17,2022


Shenzhen Bay Laboratory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Team: Post-doctoral & Research Assistant Position Recruitment


深圳湾实验室生物医学工程研究所郭腾飞课题组因工作需要,招聘博士后(与清华大学和北京大学联合培养)及科研助理,从事多模态神经影像(PETMRI)扫描和处理、血浆或脑脊液生物标记物检测、基因检测等实验内容并开展神经退行性疾病相关研究。本招聘信息2022 2月起长期有效,招满为止。

Dr. Guo's group is recruiting postdocs (jointly trained with Tsinghua University and Peking University) and research assistants for research in multimodal neuroimaging (PET and MRI) scanning and processing, plasma or cerebrospinal fluid biomarker detection, genetic testing, and research related to neurodegenerative diseases. This position is open until filled since February 2022.




       Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL) is a Guangdong Provincial Laboratory located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA). Jointly launched by the City of Shenzhen and Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, SZBL is financially supported by the Shenzhen City with an initial five-year budget of 13 billion CNY (~2 billion US$). SZBL aspires to be a hub for world-class research at the forefront of science and innovation, spurring novel solutions to the grand issues challenging mankind.

        SZBL seeks to play an important role for the development of GBA. It will serve as a hub for health sciences through combining the advanced resources and intellectual capital of GBA and PKU to enable high-quality research at the frontier of biomedical science. Initial areas of research and discovery in SZBL will include bioinformatics, biomedical engineering and the discovery of innovative drug with the goal of controlling and preventing major diseases regarding but not limited to cancer, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.


课题组组长:郭腾飞博士, 深圳湾实验室特聘研究员,独立PI(课题组网站,北京大学深圳研究生院助理教授,博导。博士毕业于慕尼黑工业大学,师从PET显像专家德国科学院院士Markus Schwaiger教授。在加州大学伯克利分校William Jagust教授团队(ADNI数据库PET显像中心首席科学家)完成博士后训练。主要利用多模态医学影像和脑脊液生物标记物研究AD疾病的早期发病特点。202012月全职加入深圳湾实验室/北京大学深圳研究生院,主要使用PET/MRI分子显像、脑脊液/血浆生物标记物研究阿尔茨海默病的病理特征及演化规律。以第一作者或唯一通讯作者在Alzheimer’s & DementiaBiological psychiatryNeurologyJournal of Nuclear MedicineAlzheimer's Research & TherapyBrain Communications等杂志发表多篇原创学术文章,长期担任Alzheimer’s &DementiaNature CommunicationNeurobiology of Aging Journal of Alzheimer’s disease等杂志审稿人,受邀参加国际学术会议并做口头汇报。2018年获得国际核医学与分子影像协会“Alavi-Mandell Publication Award”, 2020年获得美国Human amyloid imaging年度会议Young Investigator Travel Scholarship奖以及阿尔茨海默协会Young Investigator荣誉奖。目前担任Medical Physics杂志Associate Editor, 国际阿尔茨海默协会的促进阿尔茨海默症研究和治疗协会(ISTAART)会员, 阿尔茨海默ISTAART协会Professional Interest Areas (PIAs) to Elevate Early Career Researchers (PEERs)执行委员会亚洲主管。

Junior Principal Investigator (PI): Dr GUO Tengfei, institute of Biomedical Engineering, homepage (, Assistant Professor and PhD supervisor of the City of Shenzhen and Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. He pursued his PhD with Prof Markus Schwaiger, the academician of the German Academy of Sciences and PET imaging expert. After graduating from the Technical University of Munich as a PhD, he received post-doctoral training in Prof William Jagust’s (chief scientist of ADNI database and PET imaging centre) team of the University of California, Berkeley, USA fellow. He focused on discovering the early pattern of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) onset, by using multi-model neuroimaging and CSF biomarkers assays. In December 2020, he joined the City of Shenzhen and Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, conducting research on the pathologies feature and patterns of AD, by using PET/MRI molecular imaging and CSF/plasma biomarkers assays. These works have been published in top-ranked journals in the field of neurodegenerative disease including Alzheimer’s & Dementia, Biological psychiatry, Neurology, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, Brain Communications with Dr Guo as the first author or unique corresponding author, as well as a peer reviewer and was invited to international academic conferences for oral presentation. His honours include the Alavi-Mandell Publication Award, Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), 2018; Human amyloid imaging travel fellowship, 2020 and Alzheimer’s Association Young Investigator Honorable Mention Award, 2020. He is now an associate editor of the journal Medical Physics, a member of the Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART) and the Asian executive committee of the ISTAART Professional Interest Areas (PIAs) to Elevate Early Career Researches (PEERs) committee.

淀粉样蛋白(amyloid-β (Aβ))斑块和tau 缠结是阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease (AD))的主要病理特征。课题组正在联合深圳湾实验室其他课题组以及国内多家知名临床医院启动大湾区老年脑健康计划(Greater-Bay-Area Healthy Aging Brain Study (GHABS))” GHABS项目将瞄准AD这一重大科学难题与国际发展前沿,结合痴呆相关的认知功能量表、基因测序、脑脊液(cerebrospinal fluid (CSF))或血清(palsma)生物标记物(Aβ42, Aβ40 , p-Tau181, p-Tau217, NfL, GFAP, GAP43, SNAP25, YKL40)、多模态神经影像(Aβ PETtau PETFDG PETMRI)等领域内高新技术手段在粤港澳大湾区老年人群中,深入研究和解析AD临床前阶段的病理特征、风险因素、保护指标和演化规律,为我国AD临床前阶段的早期诊断和干预治疗提供科学依据。因课题组科研工作需要,诚邀优秀青年加盟。

Amyloid β (Aβ) plaque and tau tangle are the major pathology features of AD. The research team cooperates with other research teams of SZBL and multiple national famous hospitals to launch the “Greater-Bay-Area Healthy Aging Brain Study (GHABS)”. GHABS will aim at AD and its international leading-edge discoveries in frontier, combining high new techs in the area of dementia-related cognition assessment, genetic sequencing, biofluid markers (Aβ42, Aβ40, p-Tau181, p-Tau217, NfL, GFAP, GAP43, YKL40, etc.) including CSF and plasma assays, multi-model neuroimaging (Aβ PET, tau PET, FDG PET and MRI), in the ageing population of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Greater Bay area, to conduct deep-in research and reveal the preclinical AD pathologies, risk factors, protective factors and development pattern, as such, to provide reliable scientific support for national early diagnosis and intervention treatment in the preclinical AD stage.

Now we sincerely invite outstanding young people to join us.



1. 在课题组组长指导下开展科研工作,同时欢迎优秀博士自带课题加入课题组开展合作;

2. 处理ADNI和课题组内部的脑部PET/MRI图像并开展AD等神经退行性疾病的科学研究(1名);分析血浆或脑脊液生物标记物(Aβ42, Aβ40 , p-Tau, NfL, GFAP, YKL40, GAP43)并开展AD等神经退行性疾病的科学研究(1名);基于经颅超声刺激或经颅磁刺激等神经调控方法在动物模型和AD病人开展AD早期干预研究(1名);

3. 协助申请国家自然科学基金及省、市各级项目或作为负责人申请博士后科学基金。


1. 在国内外已获得或即将获得生物医学工程/心理学/生物医学/神经科学/神经影像/生物化学/临床神经病学等相关专业或领域博士学位;具有以下研究背景优先考虑:1)具有处理心理学或者认知科学背景且具有使用神经影像或生物标记物研究大脑神经科学的经验;2)基于PETMRI图像研究大脑神经衰退性疾病;3)基于CSFplasma 生物标记物从事神经衰退性疾病相关研究;4)具有处理the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)数据库经验。

2. 对科研具有浓厚兴趣,具备良好的英文文献阅读和写作能力;

3. 在本专业主流期刊发表或即将发表研究论文,具有独立开展科研工作的能力;

4. 具备杰出的学术道德和职业操守、良好的沟通能力和团队精神,勤劳诚实有上进心。


1. 博士后培养与北京大学或清华大学合作培养,依托北京大学或者清华大学入站。实行阶梯式年薪制,收入不低于36万元/年(包含深圳市政府18万补贴),具体薪酬根据应聘者经历和成果面议。

2. 提供良好工作环境和充足的研究经费,配备精良的实验仪器,科研方向给予较高自由度;可以充分利用ADNI数据及GHABS数据设计严谨的研究方向,目前组内的博士后的科研产出可观,欢迎有意向加入课题组的青年才俊与我们随时沟通交流( 

3. 基本待遇包括国家规定的相关福利、五险一金等,户口和子女入园/学等按照深圳湾实验室相关规定执行;

4. 博士后人员进站,可自愿选择落户深圳市。选择落户深圳市的,可额外获得深圳市新引进人才租房补贴3 万元(深圳市新引进人才租房补贴工作实施办法)。

5. 符合相关规定,可申请深圳市相关配套待遇(如其他人才补贴、公租房、人才住房等),具体明细需面谈;

6. 表现优异者可支持至加州大学伯克利分校和劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室、德国慕尼黑工业大学和慕尼黑大学、瑞典隆多大学和哥德堡大学等国际合作者的课题组学习深造。

7. 博士后出站后留深工作者,可获得深圳市政府给予的30万元科研启动经费。此外,根据工作能力及个人意愿可聘为本课题组助理研究员/副研究员;特别优秀者可以聘为深圳湾实验室启航学者(聘期三年,每年100万科研经费支持,有机会转为深圳湾实验室特聘研究员,独立PI)









Post-doctoral (3 positions)

1.     Job Description

·        Carrying out scientific research under the supervision of PI, but welcome outstanding PhD with own research project join us for cooperation.

·        Process and analyze ADNI and the research team’s own brain PET/MR scan imaging and conduct research on AD and related neurodegenerative disease (1 position open for); analyze biofluid biomarkers (Aβ42, Aβ40, p-Tau, NfL, GFAP, YKL40) and conduct research on AD and related neurodegenerative disease (1 position open for); being capable of using neuromodulation methods such as transcranial ultrasonic imaging or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on animal model and AD patients to research on interventions studies of preclinical AD.

·        Assist with the applications of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) and other projects at the provincial or municipal level, or as an applicant for a post-doctoral science foundation.

2.     Entry Requirement

·        A doctoral degree or is going to have a doctoral degree in biomedical engineering, psychology, biomedicine, neuroscience, neuroimaging, biochemistry, clinical neurology or related area. Experiences that are desirable (but not required) include: 1) psychology background or cognitive science background with experiences of using neuroimaging or biomarkers to investigate brain science; 2) based PET and MRI scan imaging to conduct research on neurodegenerative diseases; 3) based on CSF or plasma biomarkers to conduct research on neurodegenerative diseases; 4) experiences of the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) data processing.

·        Have a great interest in scientific research, being capable of literature reading and writing in English;

·        Have already published or is going to publish research paper on the mainstream journals in the subject-specialized field, being capable of conducting research independently;

·        Have good academic ethics and work ethics, excellent communication skills and teamwork skills, being diligent, honest and positive.

3.     Benefits

·        Joint postdoctoral with Peking University or Tsinghua University, relying on the university entry. Stepped yearly salary system, income no lower than 360, 000 RMB per year (including a subsidy of 180,000 RMB from Shenzhen Government). The specific salary shall be negotiated face-to-face according to the candidate’s experience achievements.

·        The lab provides comfort working environment and sufficient research funding, equipped with sophisticated experimental instruments and gives a relatively high degree of freedom to scientific research with sufficient ADNI and GHABS data for rigorous design of research direction. There are now appreciable outputs by our PhDs, and we welcome candidates with the intention to communicate with us (

·        Basic benefits include relevant benefits stipulated by the nation, insurance (endowment, medical, unemployment, employment injury and maternity) and house funding, settle down or children-school-entering will be carried out according to SZBL relevant regulations.

·        Post-doctor can choose to settle down at Shenzhen after entry, with an additional subsidy of 30,000 RMB as the housing subsidy according to the measures of Shenzhen for the implementation of the rental subsidies for newly introduced talents.

·        Complying with relevant regulations, employers can apply for Shenzhen relevant benefits (such as other subsidies for introduced talents, public rental housing, social security housing for talents, etc.), which need to be discussed and negotiated face-to-face.

·        With excellent performance, SZBL can support the exchange study with research teams in the following organizations: the University of California Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Technical University of Munich, University of Munich, Lund University and the University of Gothenburg.

·        After finishing the post-doctoral training, one that chooses to work at Shenzhen can receive 300,000 RMB from Shenzhen Government as the research project launch funding. In addition, one can be employed as PI or co-PI of our research team according to working ability and personal willingness. Outstanding excellent ones will be employed as the Shenzhen Bay Scholar (a part-time position lasting for 3 years in a general scope, with 1,000,000 RMB as support funding each year, and applications for the Junior Principal Investigator position would be welcomed based on the excellency in work performance).

4.     Application Materials

·        Complete person CV in either Chinese or English, including personal research interest, career objective, main research skills, academic experience, academic achievements and awards;

·        Degree certificate scan

·        Personal statement (about your research interest and future plan)

·        Full text of your representative achievements

·        Three reference letters (three referees), with each referee’s contact sent either in the materials or directly sent to

·        Other materials addressing your research and working ability.

Please send the above materials in one email to or, titled “employment-job position-name”. We will contact you for an interview as soon as you pass the first-round examination. This recruitment will be open until filled.



1. 完成实验室安排的工作内容并达到实验室的工作标准要求。

2. 招募社区老年志愿者并完成神经认知评分,协助血浆生物标记物分析和影像分析,等实验内容。

3. 表现优异者可以在半年或1年后转为香港大学/香港科技大学/北京大学博士生,课题组每年3个名额。


1. 生物医学工程或生物工程或生物化学或心理学或者临床医学等相关背景,本科及以上学历。

2. R/Matlab/Python等编程经验优先、英语水平良好者优先。

3. 实验操作能力强,具有独立思考和解决问题的能力,良好的团队精神和沟通能力。 








Research Assistant (several)

1.     Job Description

·        Finish the allocated work and reach the standard criteria.

·        Recruit ageing volunteers in the community and finish the cognitive assessment, assist with plasma biomarkers assays and imaging analysis, and other experiments.

·        Based on the excellency in work performance in half-year or one year, one can switch to PhD position of Hongkong University/The Hongkong University of Science and Technology/Peking University. Each research team can have 3 positions each year.

2.     Entry Requirement

·        Undergraduate or above degree in backgrounds such as biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biochemistry, psychology and clinical medicine.

·        Experiences that are desirable (but not required) include experiences of coding such as R/Matlab/Python; good English level.

·        Have good experiment skills, being capable of independent thinking and problem-solving skill, have good teamwork skills and communication skills.

3.     Application Materials

·        Complete Personal CV

·        Degree Certificate

·        Reference letter

·        Other materials addressing your research and working ability

Please send the above materials in one email to or, titled “employment-job position-name”. We will contact you for an interview as soon as you pass the first-round examination. This recruitment will be open until filled.